Here goes Everything Danish989. Everything. Starting with testimonials I’ve thought worthy of being here, or other random gibberish people have spoken about me.

We’ll start with that, actually, and move on to bigger and better things – like what I think about myself. I have a really big ego, that’s one.

” With Danish, always expect directed insanity. Usually he comes up with complete bullshit, but he makes amazing points with his bullshit. ”
– Wijdan Yousuf

“I hate to admit it but you rock”
– Nobia Parker

From my Facebook Page:

Basically, there can’t be any other me. It’s just not possible.

Self Diagnosed with Bipolar II and being a Gemini, I might change almost instantly, and usually always go with the flow. Hang on to me if you can, I’m like a freight train on fire most of the time and you can’t hold me down.

And please don’t argue with me. I’m right most of the time, and it’ll almost always end with me proving that. Just agree. A lot of people can tell you, it’s easier that way, and the right thing to do at the end of the line.

If you don’t like how I’m living my life, you should sit down and pay more attention to your own first.
I agree, advice to a friend is much help, and needed. But there’s a big difference between facing a storm, and hearing about it on tv.

I’m fueled on Angst, Anger and Attitude.
It’s a madness … “Junoon” in it’s purest form … I love like no one can, but I can hate with a passion, too. It’s either this side of my equator or that side, never the thin faded line in between.

This “Madness” runs through my cerebrum, and ever so diligent, I’ll let it run through my sight, painting the world as it does … and if it does, I’ll let it tweak my judgment too, because I run my life on my rules. And even if it’s my madness that writes them, I’ll obey.

You have your freedom of opinions. I have my freedom of thinking your opinions are bullshit.

If I could change the world, the first thing I’d change is how everyone thinks … not so everyone starts thinking like me, because I don’t think that’s even possible anymore … I would change it so there’s at least a little tolerance in everyone.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a saint. And I’m not one to Judge you either. All I can judge is myself. And even if I’m wrong? Let me be my own Jury.

People say I have this really big ego, and I’m full of attitude. They’re not lying. If you can’t stand my ego, just look the other way, because I will brag about my ability to be smarter than you, smoother with words, better at playing the guitar, being fluent in sarcasm, and whatever it is that I think I’m better at.

I will have the last word in any argument. Not because I like to argue, but because the only reason we’ll argue in the first place is because you’ll be wrong about something and won’t admit it.

One last thing; I can not stand lies and liars. You’ll never catch me lying, and I won’t stand it if you do. Even if it’s a ‘white lie’ or whatever lame excuse for not telling the truth. Never, lie to me.

I go by the handles “Dante” and “QuickSilver”
Quicksilver, because I tend to be like quicksilver .. the element more commonly known as mercury .. having the best of both worlds, since it can flow like a river, and yet let electricity run through it. Rare, innit. And also because I have a quicksilver personality … flowing like thunder and sometimes before you can even blink. Nothing can hold me down.

“It’s not you, It’s the system you fall under, that I despise.”
– Danish

More to come, keep reading.